Warm Feet

For 2019 we will be collecting stuffed socks for the Mustard Seed’s Warm Feet for the Street Program, If you come by to see the lights please take the time to donate a pair of socks and or some useful items for those experiencing more difficult times this winter.

Sock Sack

There will be a large Santa Sack as part of the display to deposit your stuffed socks into, this will be emptied each evening after the show.

We encourage you to buy a pair (or more) of warm socks, then fill one sock with the other and top it off  with useful articles for a person whose home is on the street.Mustard Seed


  • Bus tickets
  • Extra pair of socks
  • Small sizes of shampoo etc.
  • Kleenex, band-aids
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste
  • Comb, lip balm, skin cream
  • Disposable razor/shaving cream
  • Sewing kit
  • Pen & pad, calendar, address book
  • Movie passes/gift certificates

NOTE: Please do not include food items or anything containing an alcohol base, such as aftershave, mouthwash or perfume.

Recipients will be men, women and youth. Please finish your sock by labeling it with masking tape and write the gender and age, if applicable of the recipients. – Please keep in mind that Mustard seed guests carry all of their belongings in one small bag.

If you wish to just donate a new pair of socks or one of the useful Items the McKnight Mustang Atom 2 team will be stuffing the donated socks with useful as part of their commitment to helping the community.

Thank you for you support and for supporting those in need.